Traductions (Littérature Française):
Charline Lambert, Of Desire and Decarceration, Diálogos Books, 2024
Etel Adnan, « Erquy », Galerie Lelong, 2024.
Pascal Quignard, « Dying of Thinking », Seagull Books, 2023
Pascal Quignard, « The Unsaddled », Seagull Books, 2023
« Paula Rego: Drawing Breath », Galerie Lelong, 2023
« Christine Safa », Galerie Lelong, 2023
« Richard Tuttle: My Best », Galerie Lelong, 2023
Jean Frémon, « Portrait Tales », Les Fugitives, 2023
Philippe Jaccottet, La Clarté Notre-Dame & The Last Book of the Madrigals, Seagull Books, 2022
José-Flore Tappy, Trás-os-Montes, The MadHat Press, 2021
Philippe Jaccottet, Ponge, Pastures, Prairies, Black Square Editions, 2020
Philippe Jaccottet, Patches of Sunlight, or of Shadow, Seagull Books, 2020
Yves Bonnefoy, Prose, several translators, Carcanet, 2019
Béatrice Helg, catalogue, Five Continents Editions, 2019
Philippe Jaccottet, A Calm Fire and Other Travel Writings, Seagull Books, 2019
Philippe Jaccottet, Truinas, The Fortnightly Review, 2018
Pierre Voélin, To Each Unfolding Leaf: Selected Poems 1976-2015, Bitter Oleander Press, 2017
Catherine Colomb, The Spirits of the Earth, Seagull Books, 2016
Pierre Chappuis, Like Bits of Wind: Selected Poetry and Prose 1974-2014, Seagull Books, 2016
Georges Perros, Paper Collage, Seagull Books, 2015
Philippe Jaccottet, The Pilgrim’s Bowl (Giorgio Morandi), Seagull Books, 2015
José-Flore Tappy, Sheds: Collected Poems 1983-2013, Bitter Oleander Press, 2014
Louis Calaferte, The Violet Blood of the Amethyst, Chelsea Editions, 2013
Jacques Dupin, Of Flies and Monkeys, Bitter Oleander Press, 2011
Philippe Jaccottet, And, Nonetheless: Selected Prose and Poetry 1990-2009, Chelsea Editions, 2011
Pierre-Albert Jourdan, The Straw Sandals: Selected Prose and Poetry, Chelsea Editions, 2011
Laurence Werner David, Is It, So Far?, Bitter Oleander, Volume 16, No. 2, 2010
Jean-Marc Besse, “The Marks Left on Territory,” in Enfermement, Éditions Tarabuste, 2007) by Anne-Marie Filaire—essay on landscape and the Palestinian territories in reference to Filaire’s photographs
Dominique Schnapper, Providential Democracy: An Essay on Contemporary Equality, Transaction Publishers, 2006
Hamid Foulavend, Twelve Olympic Odes, Le Cercle d’Or, 2003
Tahar Bekri, Inconnues saisons / Unknown Seasons, L’Harmattan, 1999—co-translated by John Taylor, Patrick Williamson, Barbara Beck, and George Ellenbogen
Mohammed Kacimi: Paintings, Pastels, Drawings, Events, Writings, Éditions Revue Noire / Casablanca: Le Fennec, 1996
Jean Loup Pivin and Pascal Martin Saint Léon, Pierre Verger, The Go-Between: Photography 1932-1992, Éditions Revue Noire, 1993
Louis Aragon, Words Said and Sung, Alcyon, 1992
Dimitri Analis, The Messenger, Alcyon, 1992
Traductions (Littérature Grecque moderne):
Veroniki Dalakoura, « Bird Shadows: Selected Poems and Poetic Prose 1967-2020 », Diálogos Books, 2024
Elias Petropoulos, Mirror for You: Collected Poems 1967-1999, Cycladic Press, 2023
Elias Papadimitrakopoulos, « Toothpaste with Chlorophyll » & « Maritime Hot Baths », drawings by Alekos Fassianos, Coyote Arts, 2020
La Grèce de l’ombre, chansons rebètika, volume 2, Éditions Le Miel des anges, 2017 (avec Michel Volkovitch)
Elias Petropoulos, Windows in Greece, Athens: Nefeli, 1996.
Rebetika: Songs from the Old Greek Underworld, London: Alcyon, 1992.
Elias Papadimitrakopoulos, Toothpaste with Chlorophyll & Maritime Hot Baths, Santa Maria: Asylum Arts, 1992.
Elias Petropoulos, In Berlin: Notebook 1983-1984, Paris: Digamma, 1987.
Elias Petropoulos, A Macabre Song, Paris: Digamma, 1985.
Elias Petropoulos, Courtyards in Greece, Athens: Phorkys, 1983.
Elias Petropoulos, The Jews of Salonica / In Memoriam / Les Juifs de Salonique, Paris: Digamma, 1983—co-traduit avec Françoise Daviet.
Mary Koukoules, Loose-Tongued Greeks: A Miscellany of Neo-Hellenic Erotic Folklore, Paris: Digamma, 1983.
Elias Petropoulos, Mirror for You, Paris: Digamma, 1983.
Elias Petropoulos, Tsoclis’s Tree, New York: Jackson Gallery, 1982.
Elias Petropoulos, Wooden Doors / Iron Doors in Greece, Athens: Kedros, 1982.
Elias Petropoulos, Balconies in Greece, Athens: Hatzinikolis, 1981.
Elias Petropoulos, Old Salonica, Athens: Kedros, 1980.
Elias Petropoulos, The Graves of Greece, Paris: Digamma, 1979.
Traductions (littérature Italienne) :
Lorenzo Calogero, An Orchid Shining in the Hand / Un’orchidea ora splende nella mano, LYRIKS, 2024
Franca Mancinelli, All the Eyes that I Have Opened, Black Square Editions, 2023
Franca Mancinelli, The Butterfly Cemetery: Selected Prose 2008-2021, The Bitter Oleander Press, 2022
Alfredo de Palchi, Terminal Events, Xenos Books, 2020
Franca Mancinelli, Before Words become Hot Wax: Selected Poems, Ledbury Poetry Festival, 2020
Franca Mancinelli, At an Hour’s Sleep from Here, Bitter Oleander Press, 2019
Alfredo de Palchi, The Aesthetics of Equilibrium, Xenos Books, 2019
Franca Mancinelli, The Little Book of Passage, Bitter Oleander Press, 2018
Alfredo de Palchi, Nihil, Xenos Books, 2017
Lorenzo Calogero, An Orchid Shining in the Hand: Selected Poems 1932-1960, Chelsea Editions, 2015
Alfredo de Palchi, Paradigm: New and Selected Poems 1947-2009 (Chelsea Editions, 2013)
Traductions (Poésie Suisse) :
Modern and Contemporary Swiss Poetry: An Anthology, edited by Luzius Keller, translated by John Taylor, Donal McLaughlin, and others, London / Dublin / Victoria, Texas: Dalkey Archive Press, 2012
Traductions en italien (avec Franca Mancinelli):

Clare Best, « End of Season / Fine di stagione », bilingual edition with an Italian translation by Franca Mancinelli and John Taylor, The Frogmore Press, 2022