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Franca Mancinelli’s « Jungle » in John Taylor’s translation published in « Strands »

Franca Mancinelli‘s sequence « Strands », translated by John Taylor, has been published in Strands.

Photos by Mitar Simikić.

An excerpt:

whatever I can I heat up over the fire. We found a well-made saucepan. Whoever bivouacked here is perhaps already in Germany. A matter of time, money, and luck. Our guide took the money. He drinks energy drinks from black cans. It tastes like syrup for my baby.


two degrees below zero today. The sun appeared, a circle as clear as a stone. The clothes of my little one have been laid out to dry. In the steely wind of the E70 tollway. Animals that come out at night to reach the other part of the forest, die.

His romper suit with hearts is smeared with mud—it rained where we slept yesterday. —I left it on this flimsy fence—there’s no time for laundry. Maybe tomorrow we cross the border.

The link to the entire sequence is here.


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