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Home / News / Interview with John Taylor by Franca Mancinelli / Poesia del nostro tempo

Interview with John Taylor by Franca Mancinelli / Poesia del nostro tempo

A long interview in Italian with John Taylor, conducted by the poet Franca Mancinelli, on the literary website Poesia del nostro tempo, about his arrival in Europe in 1975, his studies at the University of Hamburg (1975-1976), his stay on the island of Samos (1976-1977), his arrival in France in 1977. With a passage about his collaboration with the French artist Caroline François-Rubino on the books Hublots (L’Oeil ébloui) and Boire à la source (Voix d’encre), subsequently published as Portholes and Drink from the Source by the MadHat Press in his collection Grassy Stairways. With an evocation of his book Remembrance of Water & Twenty-Five Trees (Bitter Oleander Press) and his translation of Franca Mancinelli’s The Little Book of Passage (Bitter Oleander Press). The interview can be read here.






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