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Home / News / Three poems from Remembrance of Water in Italian / Journal of Italian Translation

Three poems from Remembrance of Water in Italian / Journal of Italian Translation

Three poems from Remembrance of Water & Twenty-Five Trees (Bitter Oleander Press) have been translated into Italian by Marco Morello and published in the Journal of Italian Translation (Vol. XIII, No. 2, Fall 2018). Here is the first poem of the three (from the sequence « Triptych »):

  1. The Edge


everywhere snow




passes you imagined


but only a steady path

through streets was yours

every winter day


the path neither rose

nor veered



into a hollow


some frozen source

noticed in passing


perhaps flowing in spring


only snow


over there on lawns



suddenly vast


boundless prairies

then again confining


and your steady path

through streets to school





neve dappertutto




valichi che immaginavi


ma solo un sentiero scontato

tra le strade era il tuo

ogni giorno d’inverno


il sentiero né saliva

e né svoltava

in giù


in una conca


qualche sorgente ghiacciata

notata passando


che forse scorreva in primavera


solo neve


sui praticelli

sui vialetti


improvvisamente vaste


praterie sconfinate

poi di nuovo si restringono


e il tuo sentiero sicuro

tra le strade verso la scuola

©John Taylor, © Italian translation Marco Morello


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