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Home / Translations


Translations (French literature):


Translations (Modern Greek literature) :

Veroniki Dalakoura, "Bird Shadows: Selected Poems and Poetic Prose 1967-2020", Diálogos Books, 2024

Veroniki Dalakoura, “Bird Shadows: Selected Poems and Poetic Prose 1967-2020”, Diálogos Books, 2024

Translations (Italian literature) :

Translations (Swiss poetry) :

Translations into Italian (with Franca Mancinelli):

Clare Best, "End of Season / Fine di stagione", The Frogmore Press, bilingual edition with an Italian translation by Franca Mancinelli and John Taylor, 2022

Clare Best, “End of Season / Fine di stagione”, The Frogmore Press, bilingual edition with an Italian translation by Franca Mancinelli and John Taylor, 2022


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