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Veroniki Dalakoura, « Bird Shadows: Poems and Poetic Prose 1967-2020, Diálogos Books, translated by John Taylor

Publication of Veroniki Dalakoura’s Bird Shadows: Poems and Poetic Prose 1967-2020 by Diálogos Books. Translation by John Taylor.

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Elias Petropoulos « Mirror for You: Collected Poems », translation John Taylor, published by Cycladic Press

Elias Petropoulos’s Mirror for You: Collected Poems (1967-1999), translated by John Taylor, has been published by Cycladic Press. From the introduction, « Mirrors of Melancholy: The Poems of Elias Petropoulos, » by John Taylor: This book offers the translation of nearly all the poetry and poetic prose written by the Greek poet and urban folklorist Elias Petropoulos […]

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Two poems by José-Flore Tappy, translation John Taylor, in « One Hand Clapping »

John Taylor has translated two poems by the Swiss poet José-Flore Tappy for One Hand Clapping. The poems are reprinted from Taylor’s translation of Tappy’s prizewinning collection Trás-os-Montes (The MadHat Press).

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Caroline Maldonado reviews Franca Mancinelli’s « The Butterfly Cemetery » for « Mayday »

The British poet Caroline Maldonado has reviewed Franca Mancinelli‘s The Butterfly Cemetery (The Bitter Oleander Press, translated by John Taylor) for the journal Mayday. An excerpt: « This volume by the Italian poet, Franca Mancinelli, is made up of selected prose written between 2008 and 2021 and follows her bilingual collection of poems At an Hour’s Sleep from […]

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John Taylor translates three poems by Veroniki Dalakoura for « Survision »

John Taylor translates three poems by the Greek poet Veroniki Dalakoura for the review Survision. Here’s one of the poems; the other two can be found via the above link: You Luckily I managed to touch you before the oil went dry in the fountain luckily I spoke when it emptied out in the way […]

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Michal Collins reviews Franca Mancinelli’s « The Butterfly Cemetery » for « Exacting Clam »

The critic Michael Collins has reviewed Franca Mancinelli‘s The Butterfly Cemetery (The Bitter Oleander Press) for the journal Exacting Clam. An excerpt: « Award winning poet Franca Mancinelli’s The Butterfly Cemetery, translated into English by John Taylor, collects thirteen years of prose writings including fiction, autobiography, and essays on writing. “Poetry, Mother Tongue” points toward one node […]

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John Taylor translates new poems by Franca Mancinelli / Black Sun Lit

John Taylor translates new poems — « For a Stone Sky and Other Fragments » — by Franca Mancinelli for Black Sun Lit. These new poems are not included in the three volumes of her work published bilingually by The Bitter Oleander Press: The Little Book of Passage, At an Hour’s Sleep from Here, and The Butterfly […]

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John Taylor translates poems by Charline Lambert for ArLiJo, No. 171

John Taylor translates poems by Charline Lambert for the online journal ArLiJo, No. 171.

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John Taylor translates poems by Charline Lambert in « Azonal », No. 5

John Taylor translates poems from Charline Lambert’s work in issue No. 5 of Azonal.    

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John Taylor translates Philippe Jaccottet’s « La Clarté Notre-Dame & The Last Book of the Madrigals » (Seagull Books)

John Taylor has translated Philippe Jaccottet’s last two books, La Clarté Notre-Dame and The Last Book of the Madrigals, in one volume, for Seagull Books. The volume is distributed by the University of Chicago Press. The first review of this translation was written by Michael Collins for North of Oxford.  

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