Un dialogue entre Franca Mancinelli et son traducteur John Taylor sur The Butterfly Cemetery: Selected Prose 2008-2021 (The Bitter Oleander Press), le nouveau livre de l’autrice composé de récits autobiographiques et d’essais sur la poétique et le paysage. Il s’agit d’un dialogue bilingue en italien et en anglais sur Trafika Europe Radio, dans la série « Bowery Poetry Speaks ». La transcription en anglais de cet entretien a été publié sur le site Eurolitkrant. Un extrait:
J. T.: The spiral symbol on the blank pages, your implicit and explicit use of this “beginning-end” and “end-beginning”. . . Your poetics are based on a cyclical view of being.
F. M.: In fact, it ultimately seems to me that the greatest teaching that poetry gives us is this process of returning to a cyclical time, of transformation, in which every loss, every death, is nothing more than a movement towards life. A poem indeed lives in this polarity, in this electric current that is created between beginning and end, birth and death. With every end and beginning of a line of verse, each time that we end a line and go down to the next line, poetry is teaching us something that belongs to the life of nature, of the cosmos, and that we often forget.
Franca Mancinelli, The Butterfly Cemetery: Selected Prose 2008-2021, The Bitter Oleander Press, 2022
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