John Taylor has translated seven poems by José-Flore Tappy for Issue 31 (« Hauntings ») of the journal World Writing in Translation (Two Lines, Fall 2019). The poems have been selected from her book Trás-os-Montes (Éditions La Dogana). Here is one of the poems in French and in English:
Je voudrais, moi,
poser mes yeux sur l’ouvrage
qui l’occupe et retrouver
même un instant
ce murmure d’abeille
Assise derrière les tuiles,
à l’ombre d’une mince
toiture de planches,
elle raccommode
la toile de son champ, étale
sur les genoux, où percent déjà
des pierres malignes,
elle en répare les trous
près d’elle, couché sur le côté,
le chemin, comme tranche de courge
mordue par les chiens,
halète dans la lumière
tandis qu’elle noue les fils
I’d myself like to set
my eyes on the piece of work
she’s busy with and recover
even for a moment
this droning of bees
Sitting behind the tiles
and shaded by the thin
boards of a roof,
she’s mending the cloth of her field,
unfolded on her knees,
where nasty rocks
are already breaking through,
she mends the holes they make
near her, lying to the side,
the path, like a piece of pumpkin
nibbled at by dogs,
is panting in the light
while she ties up the strands
© José-Flore Tappy & © John Taylor for the English translation
World Writing in Translation, Issue 31 (« Hauntings »), Two Lines, Fall 2019
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