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Poems by Alfredo de Palchi and by Franca Mancinelli published in English translation in the Journal of Italian Translation

Poems by Alfredo de Palchi (from his sequence « Destination Apocalypse ») and by Franca Mancinelli (a selection from her sequence « All the eyes that I have opened ») published in English translation in the Journal of Italian Translation.

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Remembrance of Water & Twenty-Five Trees (Bitter Oleander Press)

Publication of the poetry collection Remembrance of Water & Twenty-Five Trees (Bitter Oleander Press), with paintings by Caroline François-Rubino. Here are two excerpts from the sequence « The Last Cherry Tree »: « rising from farmland an abandoned backyard or is it from a playground   the cherry tree lingers   long you have been away from the first […]

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Translation of Philippe Jaccottet’s « Truinas »

Publication of the first English translation of Philippe Jaccottet’s « Truinas », in the « Odd Volumes » series of The Fortnightly Review. The book is a tribute to Jaccottet’s friend, the French poet André du Bouchet, and an evocation of the latter’s death and burial. Here is the opening passage: « It was the 20th of April, on the eve […]

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Italian translation of Introduction to Franca Mancinelli’s « The Little Book of Passage »

The Centro di ricerca PENS (poesia contemporanea e nuove scritture), at the University of Salento, has published on its website the Italian translation (by Riccardo Frolloni) of my Introduction to my forthcoming translation of Franca Mancinelli’s « Libretto di transito » (« The Little Book of Passage », Bitter Oleander Press, 2018). Here it is.    

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Article by Giorgio Linguaglossa about « L’oscuro splendore » (Mimesis Edizioni, collana « Hebenon ») in the review « L’ombra delle parole »

Excellent article by the poet and philosopher Giorgio Linguaglossa about L’oscuro splendore (Mimesis Edizioni, collana « Hebenon ») in the review L’ombre della parole. An excerpt: « La poesia di John Taylor è sensibilissima nel recapitare questa dis-connessione di tutte le cose, la frammentazione delle parole e del senso; ciò che resta è «solo il passaggio di una […]

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Article by Claudia Zironi about « L’oscuro splendore » (Mimesis Edizioni, collana Hebenon) in the review Versante ripido

A fine article by the poetess Claudia Zironi about L’oscuro splendore (Mimesis Edizioni, collana Hebenon) in the May issue of the Italian review « Versante ripido« .

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Article by Piero Flecchia about « L’oscuro splendore » on the website « Il giornalaccio »

A fine article by Piero Flecchia about L’oscuro splendore (Mimesis Edizioni, collana « Hebenon ») on the website « Il giornalaccio« —  

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« The Bitter Oleander »: special feature on John Taylor

The spring 2018 issue of the review « The Bitter Oleander » includes a special feature on John Taylor, with a long interview, two sequences of poems (« The Sea at Sète » and « The Word and the Stream »), and excerpts from his translation of Franca Mancinelli’s Libretto di transito as The Little Book of Passage. An excerpt from […]

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Translations from « Libretto di transito », by Franca Mancinelli, in The Bitter Oleander, Plume, and The Fortnightly Review

Translations from Franca Mancinelli’s volume of short prose texts, Libretto di transito (Amos Edizioni, collana « A27 ») in The Bitter Oleander, Plume, and The Fortnightly Review. From the selection in Plume: « With your goodness, you continue to weave this space, to bring details and density to it. Your goodness is a thread that regenerates itself continually, forming […]

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Article by Giacomo Cerrai (Imperfetta Ellisse) on « L’oscuro splendore »

Excellent article by Giocomo Cerrai on L’oscuro splendore (Mimesis Edizioni, collana « Hebenon ») on the blog Imperfetta Elisse.  

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