La série poétique « Fuori dal fuoco » / « Out of the Fire » de Franca Mancinelli est traduite en anglais par John Taylor sur le site-revue de Ron Slate. Pour lire la traduction, cliquez ici. Cette série se trouve, en italien, dans le livre A un’ora di sonno da qui (Pequod Italic, 2018).
Read MoreFranca Mancinelli’s poetic sequence « Fuori dal fuoco » has been translated into English by John Taylor as « Out of the Fire » on Ron Slate’s litzine-website On the Seawall. Here are the translated poems: with footsteps that would like to plant seeds in a cadence I’m going to give back to the leaves the tree they have lost, to the […]
Read MoreL’essai « Being Personal: The Very Modern Medieval Poetry of Salomon Ibn Gabirol » vient d’être publié dans l’Antioch Review (volume 76, n° 3, été 2018). L’essai examine les poèmes d’Ibn Gabirol, inclus dans le livre « Vulture in a Cage » (traduit par Raymond P. Scheindlin, Archipelago Books). Pour commander le numéro, cliquez ici.
Read MoreThe essay « Being Personal: The Very Modern Medieval Poetry of Salomon Ibn Gabirol » has been published in the Antioch Review (Volume 76, No. 3, Summer 2018). The review essay examines Ibn Gabirol’s poems, as published in the book « Vulture in a Cage » (translated by Raymond P. Scheindlin, Archipelago Books). The beginning of the essay: In his […]
Read MoreTranslation into English of the Italian poet Franca Mancinelli’s Libretto di transito: The Little Book of Passage (Bitter Oleander Press, 2018). Here are two of the translated texts: « A glass of water on the table, by chance almost full after dinner. We were alone and transparent, with something burning inside. One color after another, and then […]
Read MoreTraduction en anglais du livre Libretto di transito de Franca Mancinelli : The Little Book of Passage (Bitter Oleander Press, 2018). Pour commander le livre, consultez le site de la Bitter Oleander Press, ici.
Read MoreOKHA, the Serbian translation of Portholes, was awarded the « Best Literary Oeuvre » Prize at the Banja Luka Book Fair, September 13-16, 2018. OKHA is the Serbian translation, by Sanja Zekanović and Kolja Mićević, of the poetic sequence Portholes (included in my book Grassy Stairways, The MadHat Press, 2017) and thus also of Hublots (Éditions L’Oeil […]
Read MoreOKHA, la traduction serbe de Portholes / Hublots, remporte le prix de la meilleure oeuvre littéraire au Foire du Livre de Banja Luka, les 12-16 septembre 2018. Traduit par Sanja Zekanović et Kolja Mićević, OKHA est la traduction serbe de Hublots (Éditions L’Oeil ébloui, 2016, traduction par Françoise Daviet-Taylor) et donc de Portholes (cette séquence […]
Read MoreSeveral previously unpublished poems, by Franca Mancinelli, translated into English and published in Trafika Europe. The first of the series: to the dust of the air reunite me my light coming like a fuse These poems are not included in The Little Book of Passage (Bitter Oleander Press), available from the Bitter Oleander Press website […]
Read MoreQuelques poèmes inédits de Franca Mancinelli traduits en anglais et publiés dans Trafika Europe.
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