Des extraits de la longue série poétique « Fault Lines », de John Taylor, paraissent dans le numéro de mars 2021 de la revue américaine Cholla Needles. Voici le poème d’ouverture: sometimes just a line a crack beneath the vineyard the backyard the playground on the map behind your eyes
Read MoreExcerpts from John Taylor’s long poetic sequence « Fault Lines » have been published in Cholla Needles (March 2021). The opening poem: sometimes just a line a crack beneath the vineyard the backyard the playground on the map behind your eyes
Read MoreNeuf poèmes de la poétesse grecque Veroniki Dalakoura, traduits par John Taylor, paraissent dans The Fortnightly Review. Voici l’un des poèmes: For That Love WHAT a pity for that love it tiptoed into the sea as evil pimples were growing from the healing armada and snatching away the sign of a laughable good. Stand outside the […]
Read MoreNine poems by Veroniki Dalakoura, translated by John Taylor, published in The Fortnightly Review. One of the poems: For That Love WHAT a pity for that love it tiptoed into the sea as evil pimples were growing from the healing armada and snatching away the sign of a laughable good. Stand outside the door: my heart […]
Read MoreSix poems by the Greek poet Veroniki Dalakoura published in the magazine Eurolitkrant: Six Poems from 26 Poems Translated from the Greek by John Taylor . . . And the Catastrophe Don’t leave me alone, please don’t leave me In beloved hell This earth lies under low clouds, the notes […]
Read MoreSix poèmes de la poétesse grecque Veroniki Dalakoura, traduits par John Taylor, paraissent dans la revue Eurolitkrant: Six Poems from 26 Poems Translated from the Greek by John Taylor . . . And the Catastrophe Don’t leave me alone, please don’t leave me In beloved hell This earth lies under […]
Read MoreLe numéro de février 2021 de la revue américaine Cholla Needles consacre plusieurs pages aux textes de Franca Mancinelli: « A Possible Form of Life », « Fragments for a Dedication » et « On the Edges of the Desert: A Thin Fence of Reeds ». Traduction John Taylor.
Read MoreThe magazine Cholla Needles devotes several pages in the February 2021 issue to Franca Mancinelli‘s poetic texts « A Possible Form of Life », « Fragments for a Dedication »—both translated from her new book, « Tutti gli occhi che ho aperto » (Marcos y Marcos)—and her prose piece « On the Edges of the Desert: A Thin Fence of Reeds ».
Read MoreMattia Caponi a consacré sur le site Eurolitkrant un article eu recueil At an Hour’s Sleep from Here (The Bitter Oleander Press) de Franca Mancinelli, livre traduit par John Taylor: At an Hour’s Sleep from Here is the translation of Franca Mancinelli’s A un’ora di sonno da qui (2018), which consists of her first two poetry volumes, Mala kruna (2007) […]
Read MoreMattia Caponi has reviewed John Taylor’s translation of Franca Mancinelli‘s At an Hour’s Sleep from Here (The Bitter Oleander Press) in Eurolitkrant. At an Hour’s Sleep from Here is the translation of Franca Mancinelli’s A un’ora di sonno da qui (2018), which consists of her first two poetry volumes, Mala kruna (2007) and Pasta madre (“Mother Dough,” 2013), as well as a […]
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